Simón Elías will present his new and long-awaited book at the fashionable hotel in the capital . He will do it together with his friend Alfredo Tobía, who will act as master of ceremonies, will share with us his avatars around the world. Then there will be a small "round table" with some of his friends about the antipathy and how useful it is to support certain attitudes of contemporary society.
Written, as it were, between four continents (from Los Cameros to the Rif mountains; from the Colorado Canyon to the streets of Pakistan; from the slums of Paris to the City of London; from Geneva to Chamonix via Äänekoski in Finland), 'Las ventajas de ser antipático' run through a multitude of universes populated by different beings, rare people, whom the norms of normality have not yet managed to break. A book that shows us more than stimulating readings, grotesque situations, exotic stories from the Far East and also -why not- funny battles.
The advantages of being unfriendly is a work that is both intimate and exhibitionist; a text that is neither condescending to the great imposture of our time, nor tolerant of the institutionalized stupidity that haunts us at every step. And their
pages make up a treatise on how important it is to be antipathetic in a world that goes to great lengths to have a profident smile.
A book, in short, that delves into the spirit of his previous book, Bisexual Alpinism ("transforming the epic into stupid and the stupid into epic"), and illuminates the new paths of the author's writing.
Simón Elías Barasoain was born in Logroño in 1975, although he grew up in Trevijano (La Rioja). He is the author of a book about two Aragonese mountaineers of the fifties: 'Rabadá and Navarro. La cordada imposible' (Desnivel, 2007), and 'De Alpinismo bisexual y otros escritos de altura' (Pepitas, 2013). He regularly writes articles on trips, mountaineering, remote places and characters in specialized magazines such as 'Desnivel', 'Grandes Espacios', 'Pirenaica', 'Campo Base', 'Oxígeno', 'Piedra de rayo' or 'Montagnes Magazine'. He also collaborates with the more general press such as Jotdown, El País, El Internazionale or The Independent. And he has directed the mountaineering teams of the Spanish Mountain Federation for six years.
Simón Elías currently lives in Chamonix, in the French Alps, and continues to search for yeti, like everyone else.
Don't miss the opportunity to come to Bastardo hostel and meet Simón Elías and the tricks of the Pepitas Editorial book! What will be the advantages of being unfriendly? You'll only be able to find out if you drop by the hotel that does the most in Malasaña and Chueca.
Enjoy our programming
Lun | Mar | Mié | Jue | Vie | Sáb | Dom |
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