Cuna Literaria lands in Bastardo ready to reborn three Russian voices that treasure a literary and poetic legacy of feast. They are AJMÁTOVA, TEFFI and TSVIETÁIEVA, a triangle of women who share the exile and convulsion of the 20th century in Russia as the setting for their work.
Alejandro Simón Partal, Ignacio Vleming and Andrea Abreu López, poets of the national circuit and exceptional mediators to revive their voices, will introduce and lend their voices to each of them. But not only that: we also want you to know them, read them and get ready to choose AJMÁTOVA, TEFFI or TSVIETÁIEVA. You'll give one of them a voice on the night of Saturday, September 22nd.Because we want to make a real tribute, and with your voice it is possible.
And to top it off, SILVIA BIANCHI will be the master of ceremonies of the LITERARY JARANA after 22:00h. We will be delighted with a special DJ Set of Slavic rhythms so that our Russian lyrics party is worth remembering.
For more information, registration and/or assistance write to or visit

Who are they, anyway?
ANDREA ABREU LÓPEZ is the voice of Tsvietáieva. Journalist and poet. She is the author of the fanzine Primavera que sang and the poetry book Mujeres sin párpados (Women Without Eyelids) (Versátiles, 2017). Her texts have been included in several fanzines and digital magazines and on paper, also in anthologies such as Macaronesia of the magazine La Galla Ciencia or Muestra de poesía canaria in Círculo de Poesía.
IGNACIO VLEMING is the voice of Teffi. Poet and journalist. His latest book, Fisura, is a hybrid work that explores the possibilities of residual space in cities. He is the author of the books of poems Artificial Spring Climate and Fossil Cardboard, both in La Bella Varsovia. He currently writes about history, architecture and shows in different media.
SILVIA BIANCHI is the master of ceremonies of the literary jarana. Co-founder of Barriobajero, curator of the festival Libros Mutantes of La Casa Encendida and editor-in-chief of Freeda ES. Silvia has played in Los Angeles (ACE HOTEL), Guadalajara (Mexico) and Barcelona (Club Marabú); and is part of the Dj crew Post Club (Madrid).
Enjoy our programming
Lun | Mar | Mié | Jue | Vie | Sáb | Dom |
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