# Date: March 26th
#Hour: 19.30 H and 20.15 H
Jazz music takes over Bastardo, the most musical and festive hostel in Madrid. On March 26th we invite you to the performance of the Argentine Raúl Cassinerio, a professional dancer. Remember that if you don't have plans, don't worry because we offer you the best of the best in our hostel located in Malasaña. What are you waiting for?
To Bastardo, Raúl Cassinerio brings us the adaptations of two FOSSE choreographies: "Silky Thought", belonging to a special Bob Hope show from the 60s, and "Steam Heat", from the musical "The Pajama Game".
Among the disciplines he plays, Cassinerio is a lover and expert in the FOSSE style, of the master and choreographer Bob Fosse. This "theatrical monster", actor, dancer, choreographer, scriptwriter, theatre director, editor and film director, was the author of the choreographies of musicals such as "All that Jazz", "Cabaret", "Sweet Charity", "Chicago", "The Little Prince", thus becoming a reference thanks to his own unique style that he created.
He has been the only person to win the Tony ("Pippin"), Emmy ("Lizza With A Z") and Óscar ("Cabaret"), as best director. He also holds the record of having achieved EIGHT Tonys as choreographer, apart from another one as director.
He developed a personal and recognisable dance style, a kind of stylised jazz, with perfectly synchronised mini movements. Some of his amulets such as canes, chairs, gloves and bowler, a clear tribute to his idol Fred Astaire, served to hide his faults (baldness or hands), later becoming an indispensable reference in choreographies of great artists such as Michael Jackson.Entre las disciplinas que desempeña, Cassinerio es un amante y experto en el estilo FOSSE, del maestro y coreógrafo Bob Fosse. Este “monstruo teatral”, actor, bailarín, coreógrafo, guionista, director teatral, montador y director de cine, fue el autor de las coreografías de musicales como “All that Jazz”, “Cabaret”, “Sweet Charity”, “Chicago”, “El Principito”, convirtiéndose así en un referente gracias al estilo propio y único que creó.
Choreographer, dancer, actor and singer born in Buenos Aires (Argentina) on January 7, 1956, has more than 40 years of experience in this theatrical sector. In the theatrical field he has participated in a large number of musical and text shows, among which stand out:
Orquesta de Señoritas de J. Anouilh, Dir. Jorge Buitron
El Beso de la Mujer Araña Musical (Buenos Aires) Dir Harold Prince, Están
Playing Our Song (Buenos Aires)
Eva (Buenos Aires) Dir Nacha Guevara.
The Man from La Mancha (Buenos Aires)
A Chorus Line (Buenos Aires)
Chicago (Buenos Aires) Dir Gene Foote.
We Are All Star (Buenos Aires)
Jesus Ch ist Superstar (Buenos Aires) Dir Charles Gray, Choreography Bob LuPone.
(Ensemble - Priest)
Hair Dir Rubén Helena.
Nacha Del Ditella al 2000, Dir Nacha Guevara,
Nacha de Noche (International Tour) Dir Nacha Guevara
In 2000 he moved to Miami where he worked for BVI Comunication, a multimedia company where he was part of the team of dubbing actors. In 2003 he arrives in Madrid where he begins working for Carmen Roche's school, moving later in 2005 to London, where he begins to work as a choreographer for three of the most prestigious schools of Musical Theatre.
The Royal Academy of Music, Mountview Academy of Arts and London School of Musical Theatre. With the help of Ken Caswell and Matt Ryan, during these five years he carries out works among those that can be found:
Assassins: Royal Academy of Music
The Wild Party: Bridwell Theatre for London School of Musical Theatre
Into The Woods: Mountview Academy of Arts
The Rink: Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts
Bernarda Alba - London School of Musical Theatre
Grand Hotel - Royal Academy of Music.
Nine - Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts.
For some years now, he has established his residence in Madrid. Here, he has worked, among other things, as choreographer of the theatrical proposal of "Don Juan Tenorio" by Alcalá de Henares, as an actor for several seasons for the production of "Tarzan" El Musical, and is currently working as Actor and singer in the musical "33" where he has been chosen to cover the character of "Caifás". At present, Raúl Cassinerio is one of the few masters teaching fosse style in Spain. Specifically in Madrid.
See you there!
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