Bodies up! Everybody in heaven! This is a festival!
On Friday 14 September, Bastardo's rooftop terrace will host the inauguration of the 1st Edition of ESZENIT.
ESZENIT is a multidisciplinary festival that aims to reconcile Madrid with its skies, assaulting the city's rooftops to turn them into stages and open them to the community's enjoyment of the live arts. Dance, poetry, music and painting in the heights. Beers and sunsets. The thing is to win a new facade for Madrid and for the arts - the celestial - and, of course, to come very high.
After its presentation last year on the roof of the Palacio de Cibeles, this 1st edition of the festival, entitled "Bodies of text", proposes a series of explosive encounters between body and word, a joint celebration of flesh, verb and presence, with Madrid and its sunsets as a backdrop. The festival will be held over three consecutive Fridays in September, 14th, 21st and 28th in the heights of Bastardo Hostel, CasaB and IED Carabanchel.
September 14th, ESZENIT in Bastard
Faithful to its objective of connecting collectives and artists with new spaces and audiences, the festival will get off to a flying start with an evening of contemporary dance, poetry and live painting, with the help of the dancer Verónica Garzón and two local collectives accustomed to working on the margins of the established, exploring and promoting new forms and means of expression: Genoma Poético and Parsec!
Veronica Garzon
Dancer, choreographer and teacher trained in Spain, Germany and the USA in various styles and techniques such as classical, Spanish and modern dance, modern jazz, butoh, and contemporary dance, Veronica will dance 'Las tormentas no duran toda la noche', a piece that plays masterfully with the internal rhythms of the body and external stimuli and inspired by her long studies of the butoh. The storm will last not one night, but one evening.
Genoma poético is a collective and experimental project promoted by Quino Romero (graphic and creative designer) and Carlos G. Torrico (psychologist and teacher) that works with words as plastic, sonorous and textual material to develop proposals that always start from the listening of plural and heterogeneous voices. At the opening of ESZENIT, they will climb up to the roof to orchestrate a particular polyphony in which bodies and words will dance in the same way - good times for lyrics!
Parsec! is a street art collective that has been transforming Madrid's facade since 2004, recycling waste materials and returning them to the public space in the form of paintings and intervened objects. Its founder and main driving force, the artist, illustrator, comic strip artist and muralist Antonio Feliz has also been filling the fields and ruins of rural Castile with colour for more than a decade with his amazing murals. On September 14th, he will collude with the city's rooftops and the sunset to paint a live canvas. Best plan for tonight, light years away.
¿Sabes cuál es el horario?
Viernes 14 de septiembre
Eszenit en Bastardo Hostel
20:00 h / Terraza A / Performance poética
Proyecto Genoma Poético
+ Nares Montero, Aída B. Garzón y Elisa Lois
“La danza palabra. Tejido en construcción. Texto, pretexto e hipertexto”
Genoma Poético trepa al tejado de Bastardo junto a Nares Montero, Aída B. Garzón y Elisa Lois para encarnar y tejer una particular polifonía poética. Tricotaje lírico y danza verbal de altura. Buenos tiempos para la lírica.
20:45 h / Terraza B / Danza contemporánea
Verónica Garzón
“Las tormentas no duran toda la noche”
La bailarina y coreógrafa Verónica Garzón interpreta una pieza que juega de manera magistral con los ritmos internos del cuerpo y los estímulos externos, inspirada en la danza butoh. De su mano iremos juntos hacia la oscuridad.
Terraza B / Live painting
El artista e ilustrador Antonio Feliz, aka Parsec!, se confabula con los tejados, el atardecer y la daza para pintar un lienzo en vivo. El mejor plan para esta noche, a años luz.
Hundreds of metres above the streets of Madrid there is a vertical silence that dampens the frantic traffic of the bodies and machines and their directed flows. Another air city is deployed there, remote and almost deserted, where the sun sets differently, its light shines purer and the beer tastes better. The shortest distance between you and that city is called ESZENIT. Get in!
Preference will be given to people who have purchased a festival pass.
Enjoy our programming
Lun | Mar | Mié | Jue | Vie | Sáb | Dom |
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