- Date: 26.02.2019
- Hour: 12:00 h
Introducing Empty Spaces, an experimental group born from the encounter between an English rock guitarist and a French techno DJ. Residents of the Malasaña neighborhood, the two met in London where one followed indie groups such as The Libertines and the other took advantage of one of the coolest electronic scenes in Europe.
The duo began experimenting to see how the electronic music and guitar combo could work, and immediately felt they had found a completely new and very fertile territory. This was in early 2018. Since then, they keep experimenting and every time new things come out, new themes and new creative ideas that combine to produce a novel sound, with both modern and retro accents. After a successful concert at the mythical Café La Palma de Malasaña, the duo returned to the studio to create new tracks and record their first LP, which will be released shortly this year. A very interesting element of his music is that everything is done live, effectively leaving room for improvisation. Empty Spaces applies the methodology of jazz to electronic music: they start with a theme and add elements to build something new. In fact, they usually end their concerts with a 100% improvised piece at the moment.
His influences come both from the rock music of the "60s" and "70s" (The Doors, Janis Joplin, The Beach Boys) and from Berlin techno music (Marc Houle, Nina Kravitz, Superpitcher). A good reference for his work could be the duo Darkside, which is the collaboration between electronic music producer Nicolas Jaar and guitarist Dave Harrington. But Empty Spaces knew how to find its own way, integrating other types of influences, be they jazz, downtempo, rock'n'roll or house. The final product is an underground music, hypnotizing, without frills or compromises. This amazingly poetic new genre, the duo likes to refer to as "techno garage", even though it actually has much more than the sum of its parts. The lancinating beats of one respond to the melodic riffs of the other: so difficult to describe, so wonderful to discover. Let yourself be surprised!
Here we leave you with the live show made by the boys of Empty Spaces in the Café La Palma very close to our hostel in the heart of the neighborhood of Malasaña. And, you know, in Bastardo we propose the best plans to start a Saturday. Next February 10th at midday, stop by the most cool hostel in Madrid to enjoy a very special free concert with relaxing and dynamic sounds while you have a cold vermouth or beer in our brewery. Sounds good, right?
#electronic music
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Lun | Mar | Mié | Jue | Vie | Sáb | Dom |
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