The first edition of Ovejas Negras presents works by young artists who have just finished their degree in fine arts and their master's degree in education. Daniel Silvo, his teacher and companion in the last year, has put in the hands of Ana Torres and Eduardo Ramírez, also his students, the curator of this exhibition.
Ovejas Negras '18 shows the works of these 14 artists, of very diverse techniques and themes, who occupy and intervene in the most unsuspected places of Bastardo Hostel. Painting, video, installation, drawing, photography, kinetic art, sculpture... all these techniques have a place in this one-day exhibition that welcomes Bastardo. The people who stay and visit the hostel will be able to find the works in the corridors, the garage, the entrance or the bar.
The idea arose from Atelier Solar's initiative to give novice artists the experience of a collective exhibition, where artists could show their works. But this first idea soon became reality as soon as the two curators understood what they were looking for. The curators sought to dialogue with each other, to understand each other and to talk about their artists and for their artists to speak for themselves. Each artist who offered to participate in the exhibition was linked to the previous artist, and together they could make understand a new idea that was born from dialogue and art.
The artists are part of two fields related to art: production and education. Fine arts and secondary school students approach their pieces from different angles, contaminating each other and generating a wealth of points of view in the gaze towards the works.

The tour consists of the dialogue between the artists, who have an individual meaning, but together create a language that shows the viewer a particular vision of art. During the tour we will discover that each work speaks of a different theme, but that in turn resembles the previous work, and giving rise to the next, shows the interest in knowing and showing the different visions of the artists who make up the exhibition.
In the exhibition we can see works where artists such as Patricia García, Reyes Calleja and Jon Iparraguirre work to experiment with aesthetic qualities seeking the perfect balance between light and shadow; where Carlota Miranda seeks, through photography, to break with the concept of identity and gender, exploring the nature of femininity; and where Virginia Puertollano explores 3D media to immerse the viewer in a series of virtual universes.
On the other hand, works, such as Cristina Sanz's, investigate painting and create abstract scenarios, creating a cyclical concept between art and technique; the works of Cristina F Bonet and Aitana Amador enhance the relationship between femininity and nature, projecting images of great aesthetic value.
Come and see the first edition of Ovejas Negras to observe this particular vision of art in the Bastardo Hostel space and discover new artists who are willing to tell you...
Eduardo Ramírez Gracia
Ana Torres Domínguez
Aitana Amador Hernandez
Blance Cabrera Benjumea
María de los Reyes Calleja
Marina Descalzi Guercio
Cristina F Bonet
Patricia Garcia Martín
Hector Gutierrez
Noemí Herrera Fernández
Jon Iparraguirre Martínez
Carlota Miranda Bauzan
Felipe Muñoz Mula
Paloma Peña Garcia
Virgnia Puertollano
Ana Cristina Sanz
You already know that in #BastardoMadrid we are not only a bed & breakfast, we are the fashionable hotel of the capital, that's why we bring you activities as diverse as this, and it's because we, as good illegitimate children, are also black sheep. Speaking of sheep, remember that in our hostel in Chueca you will always have a comfortable bed in which to count sheep (white or black).
Come in without knocking!
Enjoy our programming
Lun | Mar | Mié | Jue | Vie | Sáb | Dom |
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Aquí hay sarao
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Yoga by The Feel Well Method
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Presentación MAKTUB
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Estación Viajera
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