#Last Thursday of every month
#Time: 19:00H
#25.01.24 | The artist's profile with Theo Corral Malorde.
Taking the baton from Beerworking, and in collaboration with ToonMates, we present with enthusiasm the new meeting of animators and illustrators in Bastardo Hostel, BeerMates.
What is BeerMates?
ToonMates interest in events in which to meet other artists and create community, and the influence of Beerworking as a point of reference, has prompted the continuation of this meeting at Bastardo Hostel, which is already the meeting place for many artists and now the birthplace of BeerMates, the new and reformed illustrators' meeting.
And not only that, ToonMates has decided to add to the initial proposal, artist talks or masterclasses in which different artists, experts in their sector, will share their wisdom with the rest.
Their interest is to create a space in which to share laughter and knowledge with fellow professionals.

It is an association of animators and illustrators with varied tastes and styles but with a common interest, to learn about and help navigate this complex and strange world of art.
Its main activities include: MasterClasses given by experienced professionals in the sector, workshops (fanzines, dioramas, character design, concept art...), film forums in which animation films are shown and a small colloquium is held afterwards, and street markets in which young artists have the opportunity to exhibit and sell their work.

25.01.24 | El perfil del artista con Theo Corral Malorde
In this first edition of BeerMates we have the pleasure of having Theo Corral Malorde as our guest for a talk, The artist profile.
Born in a village in Almería, he has been living in Madrid for 7 years, where he moved to study illustration at the art school, Arte10; Theo is a budding illustrator and comic book artist, but above all a fanzine kid, with a powerful professional career and a personal work that doesn't go unnoticed.
And what's the chat about? Based on examples of artists from the past, we will reflect on the thousands of ways of dedicating oneself to art that exist and how comparing one's own career with that of colleagues is useless. Finally, we will try to formulate a new way of looking at ourselves as artists and art workers, leaving behind comparisons and expectations about what we should be or what our working method should be like.
Artsy Thursdays
After so much chatting, you will surely be hungry and tired, so we offer you to enjoy the service of Asador Limbo and the facilities of Bastardo Hostel, your hotel in the centre of Madrid. We are waiting for you on the last Thursday of every month. We are located in Calle San Mateo, 3, next to Tribunal metro station and near Alonso Martinez.
Enjoy our programming
Lun | Mar | Mié | Jue | Vie | Sáb | Dom |
Swing Bastardo by Barrelhouse Swing Project
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Poetry in the room
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Birras Sintéticas
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Dance Impro Space
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Beers & Politics
Charla abierta y plural de temas de actualidadLlega a Bastardo la tertulia y la reflexión política pero de manera informal y relajadita. Cada mes un ponente con el que deliberar. -
La Troupé de Magia Estudio
Magia de cerca o la artesanía del imposible¡Abracadrabra, bastarditos! Os traemos la magia a cargo de Magia Estudio. Acércate a romper el límite de la realidad y prepárate para vivir la experiencia de lo imposible.