In Bastardo we know that you love our microtheaters in our coolest hall, so we bring you this play by the hand of Fourth Wall University Theatre. Because relationships are never simple. Least of all, with a third person in the middle. Tuesdays are to be spent in Bastard and on 12 February we can enjoy this black comedy in three acts that talks about sexual relations, couple, friendship . . . In short, life.
Text and direction: Guille Menés
Performers: Ana García, Ana Pardo, Guille Menés and Santiago Cubillo.
What seemed like a simple romantic dinner between Cristina and Mateo, a young couple, soon becomes complicated, beginning to generate a series of entanglements that will change their lives and those of those around them.
Premiered in 2017, this play arises when a group of students from different schools of interpretation and script join together to climb the stage and perform the first micro-theater in the history of 4PTU.
And who makes up this peculiar theatre group?
Ana Pardo
- Formation
2018-19 Corazza Study for the Actor
2017-18 Courses at 4PTU
2015-16 E-course in theatre
2008-09 First intermediate grade Dance Conservatory of Seville.
2004-08 Elementary Degree Conservatory of Dance of Seville
2000-15 School of Theatre of the school San José ss cc (Seville)
- Experience
2018 "Real";. Santiago Arroyo. 4PTU
2018 "Behind closed doors" Jean Paul Sartre. 4PTU
2017 "Three is a crowd?" Guille Menés. Microtheater. 4PTU
2017 "20 cents". Ana and Alejandra Beyron. Short film.
2016-17 The importance of being called Ernesto (musical). Group of theatre of the Comuz institut d´études politiques de strasbourg.
2015-16 "Beyond the here and now". Carlos Llopis. Cia. E de Teatro.
2014 "Memories". Cristina cherry. Short film. Nomination for best actress at the Ser o No ser festival.
2014 "Much noise and few nuts" Shakespeare. San José SSCC Theatre Company.
2013 "Jesus Christ Superstar". Musical. San José SSCC Theatre Company.
2012 "Three Cup Hats". Miguel Mihura. San José SSCC Theatre Company.
2011 "The Imaginary Sick". Moliere. San José SSCC Theatre Company.
Awarded at the Fundación Caja Sol awards ceremony.
2010 "The corpse of Mr. Garcia". E. Jardiel Poncela. San José SSCC Theatre Company.
2009 "Thieves are honest people". E. Jardiel Poncela. San José SSCC Theatre Company.
Ana García
- Training
2017-18 Courses at 4PTU
- Experience
2018 "Real". Santi Arroyo. 4PTU
2017 "Three is a crowd?" Guille Menés. Microtheater. 4PTU
Santiago Cubillo
- Formation
2017-18 Courses at 4PTU
2011-18 Degree in Audiovisual with training in directing actors.
- Experience
2017 "Three, is that a crowd?" Guille Menés. Microtheater. 4PTU
2015 "The importance of being Ernesto". Oscar Wilde. 4PTU
2015 "V for Vendetta". Theatrical adaptation. 4PTU
2014 "Enriqueta yes, Enriqueta no". Jorge Llopis. 4PTU
2013"You have the eyes of a fatal woman." E. Jardiel Poncela. 4PTU
2012"Batman". Theatrical adaptation. 4PTU
2011 "First Plana". Ben Hecht and Charles MacArthur. 4PTU
Guillermo Menés
- Formation
2017-18 Physical theatre in the Studio of Hernán Gené
2016-17 Postgraduate degree in Audiovisual Script at Universidad Carlos III
2012-15 Theater at Plot Point School
- Experience
2012-18 Scriptwriter and director of the Festival of Magic and Related Arts in its five editions to date.
2017-18 Scriptwriter and co-director of the show "Esto es Magia y mucho más", in
Jacob's Ladder
2017 Playwright and director of the Micro Theater "Tres, ¿son multitud?", premiered at 4PTU.
2016-17 Scriptwriter in The Competition Productions for a program for MTV.
We're already dying to find out what 4PTU guys have prepared for us, because this comedy promises. If you don't want to miss it, write down this date: Tuesday, February 12 in the hostel that is coolest in Madrid, with two sessions in the afternoon, one at 19:30 h and another at 20:15 so you can come when you want. Enjoy the best theater in our hall while you have a beer or a fresh vermouth in our brewery and start the week with good vibes. Sounds good, right?
# microtheater # blackcomedy #humor
Enjoy our programming
Lun | Mar | Mié | Jue | Vie | Sáb | Dom |
Dragalada Madrid
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Aquí hay sarao
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Guada Sánchez presenta: “Yo me transformo”
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Dance Impro Space
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Poetry in the room
Micro a corazón abiertoUn micro abierto para los artistas que quieran expresar su arte para dar voz al mundo: poesía, música... todas las artes son bienvenidas a Bastardo. -
Estación Viajera
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