- Date: June 18
- Hour: 20:00 h
Bastardo, the fashionable hostel in the centre of Madrid, becomes an open space for everyone who wants to get to know tango, both experienced dancers and those who have never danced are welcome. The place is small but the heart is big, and the hugs are strong.
The tango meeting is thought as a space to get together to dance, chat and enjoy the music in a relaxed and open atmosphere.
On the third Tuesday of every month, we wait for you at the trendiest hostel between Malasaña and Chueca to dance with us.
Gonzalo Capitani and Carolina González.
Dancers, choreographers and teachers born in Buenos Aires. They began their artistic training in Argentina, in the disciplines of jazz dance, contemporary dance, ballet and interpretation.
Thanks to their multidisciplinary training, they are characterised by their interpretative power, elegance, plasticity and technique, and express themselves through both classical and contemporary languages of movement.

They develop, in their work as teachers, a language where the connection prevails transmitting a popular tango and improvisation.
Based in Madrid, they work together giving regular classes and performing exhibitions, shows and workshops in various festivals both nationally and internationally, and organize the tango practice "La Rampa", located in the heart of Madrid.
So you know, if you're looking for is to dance tango in the heart of Madrid, our hostel has the solution for you.
We look forward to seeing you all on June 18 at 8:00pm.
Come in without knocking!
Enjoy our programming
Lun | Mar | Mié | Jue | Vie | Sáb | Dom |
Dance Impro Space
Ciclo de danza bimestralPiezas que generan un encuentro entre público y artistas de una manera novedosa, en un espacio alternativo y no convencional para la danza. -
Aquí hay sarao
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Swing Bastardo by Barrelhouse Swing Project
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Birras Sintéticas
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Poetry in the room
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Pablo Díez presenta: “En medio del Medievo”
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Enjoy Sessions Madrid
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Beers & Politics
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La Troupé de Magia Estudio
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Masterclass con Agustina Pérez: Cómo superar el síndrome del impostor
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