- Date: 24.01.2019
- Hour: 19:30 h
We start strong with our Scheduling for January in the most bastard hostel in Madrid. Pildorazos Masticables (Chewable Pills) is a humorous event in which spectators watch a sketch written and performed by the comic duo Los Moreno Bros. that serves as an excuse to present a book in eBook format that, curiously, is called Pildorazos Masticables (Chewable Pills). Incidentally, the authors of this book are the same as the authors of the sketch, Los Moreno Bros Pildorazos Masticables (the book, not the event) compiles texts, cartoons, audios and videos made by them since 2001, most of them unpublished.
If you go to see the sketch you may have the option of taking the book with you, and there are also people who say that, in addition to offering you a smile, they give you a dedicated gift. Of course, it's possible that this is nothing more than gossip. However, Los Moreno Bros don't believe in gossip because they say that "they come to be like football players: they get ready, they enter the game and the rest of the time they are in the hairdresser's".
Los Moreno Bros.
Los Moreno Bros is a comedy duo dedicated to theatre and humour fiction made up of actors and screenwriters Julian Moreno and Chuso Moreno. They define themselves as "people, screenwriters, survivors, comedians, creative and curious, not necessarily in this order". They are also brothers, a fact that, although it may seem a lie, does not prevent them from directing and presenting the radio program "The Russian Filet". They are touring with their comedy show "Cuentos Canallas" since its premiere in 2015. They have published "Pildorazos Masticables", a book in which, through nine articles, more than thirty cartoons, an audio and two videos, most of which have never been published, they review the humorous activity of this comic duo and some events that have taken place since 2001 until today. If you want you can take a look at their website to get an idea of the shows they do.
On Thursday 24 January you can not miss this hilarious show of these brothers at 19:30 pm in our most bastard hall. Get ready to laugh while you enjoy an aperitif with vermouth or imported beer in our brewery. Thursday's super plan!
Enjoy our programming
Lun | Mar | Mié | Jue | Vie | Sáb | Dom |
Dance Impro Space
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Aquí hay sarao
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Swing Bastardo by Barrelhouse Swing Project
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Birras Sintéticas
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Poetry in the room
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Pablo Díez presenta: “En medio del Medievo”
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Júlia Salander presenta: “Fuego al machismo moderno”
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Enjoy Sessions Madrid
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Beers & Politics
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La Troupé de Magia Estudio
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Masterclass con Agustina Pérez: Cómo superar el síndrome del impostor
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