#Date: April 2nd
#Time: 19:30 and 20:15

Like every month, the micro-theatre sessions return to Bastardo. So, make room in your calendar and come to spend a nice evening listening to stories, this time told by Amor Prior.

If you're a fan of theatre or monologues, don't miss the date because we are sure you are going to like it.

microteatro en malasaña

Love stories and other follies

Amor Prior arrives with her short monologue Historias de Amor y otras locuras to Bastardo to tell us first person autofiction stories that will not leave you indifferent.

With a natural style and fun Amor will stretch the limits of reality to get you into her own world. A world full of absurd and funny situations that hide a lot of truth under the surface. She will tell us about her quest for happiness and how this journey has led her to experience extraordinary moments.

Don't miss this monologue that will make you imagine and feel without moving from your seat.

Who is Amor Prior?

For as long as she can remember, what caught Amor Prior's attention had to do with some art. Unable to decide for just one, she stayed with the theater, because, in her opinion, it brought together a few. Since she was fifteen years old, the performing arts have been her great passion, training in them continuously and collaborating with various companies in her hometown, Almería, and creating their own theatrical productions.

She studied Drama in the modality of Textual Interpretation in the ESAD of Valencia. Stories and words have always been the focus of her interest. For this reason, she has also trained in writing: drama with Antonio Álamo and Gracia Morales, narrative with Emilio Picón, Espido Freire and Javier Morales, poetry with Gonzalo Escarpa and Ben Clark, among others. She has published stories in the newspaper El Ideal and in the project Atrapalabras from El Colectivo Escénico Légolas and has won an accesit in the short story contest El teatro enseña de la Sala Cuarta Pared.

She also studied the Grade of Primary School Teacher at the University of Almería and she never ceases to be surprised, although it is evident, by the relationship that exists between education and oral narration.

In 2014 she moved to Madrid and discovered oral narration through Ana María Bovo. She fell in love with this scenic discipline and since then has devoted all his knowledge and effort to it.

microteatro malasaña


She has trained with narrators of the stature of Victoria Siedlecki, Héctor Urién, Celso Fernández Sanmartín and Quico Cadaval. She attended the AEDA Summer School in 2017 and belongs to the Madrid association of narrators MANO and to the women's theatre league.

She has written and narrated three oral narration shows for adults: Historias de Amor y otras locuras (2015), El sexo de Ana (2016) and El sueño de Aurora (2018). All represented in different cafés in Almería and Madrid as the mythical Café Libertad 8. Ana's sex has been programmed uninterruptedly for a year in Jacob's Ladder and has travelled with her to Sala de Tres in Santander and to La casa de los cuentos in Barcelona. With El sueño de Aurora has been programmed in Teatro de las Aguas in Madrid.

In 2018 she created the street show La Pin-up a storytelling that is having a great reception by the public.

microteatro malasaña

El sexo de Ana

It tells the story of a woman through her sex, understood in a broad way. A journey that shows what it can mean to be a woman in this society and what we are given for belonging to the female sex. A critical and poetic tragicomedy with which anyone, regardless of sex, can identify.

El sueño de Aurora

Amor Prior continues with El sueño de Aurora the saga of women's stories that began with her show El sexo de Ana. Both written and performed by her. The actress tells the story of Aurora through a tragicomic monologue, which will make you laugh and thrill, like life itself. Aurora was born with a dream and can not prevent everything revolves around him. Sometimes for, sometimes against. A song to the artists, to the different ones, to the dreamers. A work for you to dream, for you to dream a lot and very strong, so that you never stop dreaming.

Cheer up and come to our micro-theatre sessions in Bastardo's lobby! Micro-theatre Tuesdays are the perfect excuse to enjoy an afternoon with whoever you want in the epicentre of Malasaña.

We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday 2nd April and don't forget that they are free sessions!

Amor Prior' social networks

Enjoy our programming

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