- Date: -22.12.18 -27.12.18 -03.01.19
- Hour: 11:00 h and 12:15 h
In #BastardoHostel we have already activated the Christmas mode ON and we want to share this spirit of peace, love and tinsel with all of you. This time we have prepared a series of manual workshops for children and families where we will prepare Christmas decorations with the most humble materials but with a spectacular result. The main ingredient will always be fun, guaranteed! Once again we invite the little ones of the house to exploit their imagination and creativity with the funniest plans for the whole family in our hall for these special days until the end of 2018. The workshops for families and children of Bastardo are practical and 100% playful. The idea is to have a fun time with the family and, by the way, have one more excuse to enjoy this incredible space that is the ground floor of Bastardo Hostel. Several workshops will be held every week from December 15th , so if you run out of space, don't worry, it won't be the only workshop, we will propose a new workshop every week for you to have a great time.

How the workshop will be organized
*All Christmas craft workshops have two schedules divided by age, from 4 to 6 years old at 11:00 h and from 7 to 12 years old at 12:15 h. Children between the ages of 4 and 6 must be accompanied by an adult.
**The digital music workshop also has two schedules divided by age, from 5 to 8 years old at 11:00 h and from 9 to 12 years old at 12:15 h. Children between the ages of 5 and 8 must be accompanied by an adult.
At the beginning of the workshop we propose the activity to be carried out with the necessary explanations and examples, we present the materials and then each child works at his own pace, with the help of an adult in the case of the youngest children. The educator will be available at all times to resolve doubts and assist in the proper implementation of proposals.
December 15th: "Sewing Christmas decorations"
We will start with a first workshop on Christmas decorations for the tree, or to create a garland. Our only materials for this activity will be wool and cardboard. It seems simple, and it is, but the results will surprise you. Sewing techniques, polygons and Christmas, all at once! In Bastardo, we like to risk ;)

December 22th: "Introduction and experimentation with digital music"
In collaboration with Inted we have organized this workshop to raise awareness about new technologies and the great allies they can be. Creativity is the basic instrument for this music workshop in which musical composition takes shape with the qualities of sound, rhythm, melody, harmony, and structure or form. The main components will be active listening, improvisation, creation of rhythmic and harmonic patterns, recording of loops, etc. The younger ones, from 5 to 8 years old, will sharpen their ears well with littlebits synthesizers. They will learn to listen and we will study how sound is generated, from noise to music. With makeymakey we will turn any object into a musical instrument, from bananas to our own body.
For the not-so-small 9 to 12 year olds, we'll go a little further, and use the Sonic Pi environment. Sonic Pi was originally developed to support programming and music lessons in schools, and the motto is: no mistakes, just opportunities. In the process of experimentation, you can improvise both really fresh and absolutely discordant sounds, but the only thing that will matter is how to reprogram them in order to let yourself be carried away by the rhythm.
December 27th: "My star"
Already in the middle of the Christmas vortex, you are invited to children and parents, to make an escape to Bastardo's hall to create our own Christmas star. It can be as big and bright as you want. We'll start by creating our star with small branches and sticks. After that there is no script, only many materials to create without limit. Snow, wool, glitter, pom-poms, pineapples, pipe cleaners, etc. and, above all, absolute freedom for each star to be unique. Are you going to lose it?
January 3rd: "Has anyone seen a gnome?"
A legion of little gnomes will invade our hall. They have come from the cold northern lands in search of warmer places and intend to camp in Bastard!
In this workshop we will build our own gnomes with socks and little more. Yeah, I'm afraid they're as cuddly as they look in the picture. You can't stay without your Christmas gnome, you need a new home.

Dates, times and prices
Timetable: from 11:00 to 11:45 (*4 to 6 years / **5 to 8 years accompanied by an adult) from 12:15 to 13:10 (*7 to 12 years /**9 to 12 years)
*Christmas craft workshops
**Digital music workshop
Price: 3€ per child, adults free
*For the digital music workshop, scheduled for December 22, the groups will be divided differently:
-Children between 5 and 9 years old accompanied by an adult: from 11:00 a. m. to 12:15 p. m.
-Children between 10 and 12 years old: from 12:15 to 13:00
Book your place:
-15th December,"Sewing Christmas decorations": Buy here
-22th December, ""Introduction and experimentation with digital music"
-27th December, "My Star": Buy here
-3th January, "¿Has anyone seen a gnom?": Buy here
Within each link you will be able to select the group in which the children and/or the families will participate. Places are limited, so go get your tickets because we'll have a great time in all the workshops we have planned. You can't miss them! For more information contact our reception team, who will be delighted to answer any question, you can do so via mail: hola@bastardohostel.com or by phone: (+34) 682 519 535 // (+34) 918 193 798
See you at the most bastard hostel! Come in without knocking!
Enjoy our programming
Lun | Mar | Mié | Jue | Vie | Sáb | Dom |
Marly Kuenerz presenta: “El inconsciente cuántico”
AutoayudaUn encuentro con la autora para que descubras tu mundillo oculto y controles tu alocada realidad, la conozcas en persona, y te lleves el libro firmado. -
Juan Arcones presenta: “Un rey de verano”
Presentación de libroEn lugares mas inesperados puede haber una historia de amor. Entre coronas, líos y plantas, se desarrolla "Un rey de verano". La historia romántica de este verano. -
Sin Tapujos
Talento para el Futuro y España MejorUn foro de talentos para crear espacios donde impulsar las voces del futuro. -
Concierto de Pablo Pedraza
Presentación del single “Siberia”El cantante madrileño con su estilo pop/rock, da la bienvenida a su próximo single de estudio con un nuevo sonido al estilo indie. ¡No te lo pierdas! -
David Gómez presenta: “El club de las mentes enfocadas”
AutoayudaToda una guía para lograr programar nuestras mentes, conseguir nuestros objetivos, obtener el éxito que anhelamos, conocer al autor y llevarnos el libro firmado. -
Swing Bastardo by Barrelhouse Swing Project
Quedadas de swingUn vermú de piruetas y ambientazo que hará que tengas que comprarte zapatos nuevos de tanto bailar. Imposible mantener los pies quietos cuando el Swing suena en Bastardo. -
Poetry in the room
Micro a corazón abiertoUn micro abierto para los artistas que quieran expresar su arte para dar voz al mundo: poesía, música... todas las artes son bienvenidas a Bastardo. -
Concierto de Adriana Terrén y Memba
Presentación de nuevos singles: ‘’Relamerlo’’ y ‘’Connection’’Te invitamos a disfrutar de su concierto en vivo, donde podrás sumergirte en un ecléctico mix musical que abarca géneros como R&B, reggaetón, pop y afrobeat. -
Karaoke con Robin Nodar
Concierto a la cartaAfina tu voz porque tú eliges las canciones que más te gusta cantar. Versiones en español y en inglés para que saques al cantante que llevas dentro. -
Presentación de “Taylor Swift: Un diario swiftie”
Artbook de Laia López y Marcos BuenoNos unimos a La Noche de Libros presentando un libro ilustrado de un icono musical, Taylor Swift, con auténticas obras de arte que cuentan la historia de esta gran artista. -
Ana Y Rodríguez P-S presenta: “Vindicta”
Narrativa¿Te gusta la fantasía, la acción, la esperanza y la venganza? Con este libro experimentarás estos temas que te engancharán a la historia desde el primer momento. -
Beers & Politics
Charla abierta y plural de temas de actualidadLlega a Bastardo la tertulia y la reflexión política pero de manera informal y relajadita. Cada mes un ponente con el que deliberar. -
Aquí hay sarao
De la mano de AIDI (Asociación para la Investigación, el Diseño y la Innovación)Tu excusa para conectar, compartir y aprender (y pasar un buen rato). -
La Troupé de Magia Estudio
Magia de cerca o la artesanía del imposible¡Abracadrabra, bastarditos! Os traemos la magia a cargo de Magia Estudio. Acércate a romper el límite de la realidad y prepárate para vivir la experiencia de lo imposible. -
Juan Laborda presenta: “Mujeres que conducen. El cine de Agnès Varda”
EnsayoVen a escuchar todos los detalles de la vida y obra de la cineasta Agnès Varda, y el papel de la mujer en la sociedad actual. -
Poetry in the room
Micro a corazón abiertoUn micro abierto para los artistas que quieran expresar su arte para dar voz al mundo: poesía, música... todas las artes son bienvenidas a Bastardo. -
Dragalada Madrid
Fiesta Drag de mañanitaUn espectáculo diurno de drag y DJ en el que votamos la mejor drag del día para que se lleve la corona de reinona. -
The meeting
Encuentro de diseñadores y publicistasUna oportunidad para realizar networking, entrelazar ideas, compartir conocimientos y fortalecer una comunidad dedicada al diseño y la publicidad.