• Date: Wednesday, 12.12.2018
  • Hour: 21:00

We have the honour to present the BAFTA SHORT FILM 2018.

The British Council, as a cultural partner of the British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) has relied on our most bastard hostel in Madrid to present its annual program dedicated to the promotion of the best British short films. The UK has a long tradition of short film production and both the British Council and BAFTA are aware of the importance of seeking new audiences to support the diversity and talent of British flimmakers.

The 2018 BAFTA Shorts Program includes eight short films, three of them from animation, in DVD format and original version with spanish subtitles and are not suitable for children under 16. Here you have the synopsis of the short films that will be screened in our hall on Wednesday 12th from 21:00h and that looks like they won´t leave us indifferent.

BAFTA evento Bastardo

A Drowning Man

  • Year of production: 2017
  • Director: Mahdi Fleifel
  • Duration: 15 minutes

Alone and far from home, The Kid wanders through a strange city looking for a way to survive that day. Surrounded by predators he is forced to make a series of concessions in order to survive so that his life in exile is prolonged one more day.

BAFTA evento Bastardo

Poles apart

  • Year of production:
  • Director: Paloma Baeza
  • Duration: 12 minutes

In a desolate Arctic landscape a lonely, hungry polar bear has to decide whether a naive Canadian brown bear will become his food or his friend. The prestigious actress Helena Bonham Carter has lent her voice to give life to that bear fighting for her survival.

BAFTA shorts Bastardo


  • Year of production: 2017
  • Director: Aneil Karia
  • Duration: 12 minutes

Jess is eighteen years old and lives in London weighling her responsabilities as a daughter with her career ambitions in dance. Until during a trip to work she faces the cold and unjust reality. Her outlook of the world begins to change.

BAFTA evento Bastardo

Have Heart

  • Year of production: 2017
  • Director: Will Anderson
  • Duration: 12 minutes
  • Animation

A true icon of internet culture, GIF is a tool that many people use everyday on their mobile phones. But what about the lives of those GIFs trapped in a continuous loop? Will Anderson, winner of BAFTA award for The Making of Longbird offers us with this short film a tender story about exisitential crisis suffered by this geometric character.

BAFTA evento Bastardo

Cowboy Dave

  • Year of production: 2017
  • Director: Colin O`Toole
  • Duration: 25 minutes

This short film set in the suburbs if Manchester narrates the encounter of a vagabond with a hustler and a swindler. Cowboy Dave is the semi-fictional story of a meeting that the director of this work, Colin O`Toole had when he was 12 years old with the rocker Dave Rowbotham (member of the band The Durutti Column and The Mothmen), known by some as Cowboy Dave.

BAFTA evento Bastardo

Wren Boys

  • Year of production: 2017
  • Director: Harry Lighton
  • Duration: 11 minutes

In his sermon the day after Christmas, a priest from Cork County recalls and old-fashioned tradition of hunting the kinglet, which gathered the entire parish after the hunt of the burial of the defeated bird. This tradition symbolizes the burial of the past, with the hope of a new beggining in the new year. But according to the parish priest it was a cruel custom, and tradition, Father Conor concludes, does not legitimize violence.

The same day, Conor accompanies his nephew to prision to visit and inmate. The new Ireland of the 21st century critically questions tradition, but whithin the walls of this prision, progress operates at a different rythm as it has to live with constant latent violence.

BAFTA evento Bastardo


  • Year of production: 2018
  • Director: Ben Steer
  • Duration: 6 minutos
  • Animation

Mamoon is an animated short film that tells the story of a mother who, along with her youngest son, is forced to leave her home when mysterious shadows seize the light in which they live. As her own light begins to fade, this mother is forced to use a mysterious red light to save her son.

BAFTA evento Bastardo


  • Year of production: 2017
  • Director: Vika Evodkimenko
  • Duration: 17 minutes

13 year old Aamir has fled his home and been separated from his family only to be stranded alone in one of Europe's unofficial refugee camps. When he is befriended by Katlyn, a well meaning but thinly stretched British volunteer, she becomes Aamir's last hope for salvation.

BAFTA evento Bastardo

At Bastardo we are passionate about independent cinema and for that reason it is an honour for us to be the guests of the BAFTA Short Film 2018 thanks to the British Council, which relies on our space for the screening of the eight winning short of this year´s program. If, like us, you love amateur cinema, on 12 December from 21:00 h you have an appointment in the hall of the most bastard hostel. Bring the popcorn!

As you can see, in our hostel we are a bit restless and we want to be able to offer you a wide variety of event that we are constantly changing. If, in addition to our scheduling you want to live a real bastard experience , you know that you have our rooms with different options to sleep with whoever you want. We are not just any hostel, we are the illegitimate son of hostels and we offer you great advantages in the heart of Madrid, being a very bastard community, do you want to be part of it?

See you in the most bastard blog!

BAFTA Shorts 2018' social networks

Enjoy our programming

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