Get to know the best Christmas routes in Madrid.
05.12.23Still don’t know what the best routes for the Christmas lights in Madrid are? What are you waiting for? Here are some of the best spots in the Christmas capital. -
Room 202: Patti Smith
29.11.23In the month of December, in Bastardo Hostel, we honour in room 202 the bastard of punk, Patti Smith, a rebellious artist. -
Room 302: Erasmo of Rotterdam
17.11.23On International Student Day, we celebrate the students and the bastard of the month, Erasmo of Rotterdam, in room 302. -
Bastard snacks in Malasaña
14.11.23Malasaña is better known as a place where you can have a beer than a good coffee, but surprisingly, a lot of charming coffee shops can be found in this district where you can have something warm to drink and escape from the cold. Near the coolest hostel from all Madrid are some of them. Are you ready to know where to take some bastard snacks? Come in and cozy up. -
Autumn plans in Madrid
25.10.23Autumn season has arrived in Madrid, and at Bastardo Hostel, we are ready to show you unforgettable and fun-filled plans. -
The bastards floors
25.10.23At Bastardo we believe that there are secrets that are better kept in mind, but we couldn't stand it any longer and we needed to reveal what each of the floors that make up the fashionable hostel between Malasaña and Chueca is like. Shall we get started? -
ROOM 317: Tim Berners-Lee
09.10.23With the excuse of the most International Computer Geek Day, we bring up our bastard from room 317, Tim Berners-Lee. A computer scientist who is the father of the World Wide Web, HTML, HTTP and URL. -
Bastard Survival Guide
30.08.23It may be your first time in a hostel, it may be your last or just one of many. Whether you are inexperienced or an expert in the field, we at Bastardo are ready to make the real guide to survival of our hostel. No more thinking that a hostel experience must be something horrible, dirty or boring, in our hostel in the heart of Madrid you will have an authentic Bastard experience. We're sure you'll want to come again. You can tell your family, partner, children or friends: you stay in Bastard. -
Habitación 311: Cai Lun
09.08.23Recordado en la historia por ser inventor de algo tan sumamente útil como el papel, Cai Lun es el bastardo de la habitación 311. Te hablamos de él con motivo del Día de la Caligrafía, en septiembre. -
El Madrid secreto bajo el suelo
31.07.23Madrid esconde mucho, pero lo que nunca te hubieras imaginado es todo lo que tiene para contarte bajo tus propios pies. -
21.07.23Llega a nuestra cristalera bastarda "Las flores de Madrid", que llena a Bastardo Hostel de flores y rostros coloridos que observan entre ellas.