FAQS at Bastardo Hostel
07.05.24One trip takes away another trip. It's often said that when a plane ticket has already been used, the next step is to buy another ticket to a new destination. It's called the pleasure of traveling. Nothing of a guilty pleasure. If you have returned from holidays, sit looking at your suitcase still unpacked and...buy a new boarding pass that flies to Madrid. With your friends, with your boy or with the backpack as an ally. Finding accommodation in the centre of Madrid is very simple. The coolest hostel is called Bastardo, so leave the laziness to one side when preparing your trip because we will solve all your frequently asked questions before you step on Madrid soil. -
Habitación 402: Manuela Malasaña
30.04.24En la habitación 402 honramos aquella valiente guerrera, Manuela Malasaña. La voz y lucha del pueblo madrileño. -
Cristalera bastarda: “En el nombre de ellos”
23.04.24Llega a la cristalera bastarda "En el nombre de ellos", una ilustración honrada a los recuerdos y tradición familiar, creado por Ana Pérez Herradón. -
Habitación 210: Maurice Sendak
18.04.24En la habitación 210 honramos al gran ilustrador literario, Maurice Sendak. Pionero de textos ilustrativos infantiles sin mundos de fantasías. -
Cafeterías de especialidad en Madrid
09.04.24No hay nada como un buen café para impulsar y disfrutar de cualquier momento, de cualquier día. Te enseñamos las mejores cafeterías de Madrid. -
All gender bathrooms
02.04.24Bathrooms in which to fall in love, bathrooms where you can have selfies and even photo sessions before giving the "yes I do". The bathrooms in the common area are for everyone and for all audiences, but they also come with a surprise... -
Habitación 104: Lella Lombardi
25.03.24En Bastardo Hostel, la habitación 104 brinda homenaje a Lella Lombardi, la icónica piloto femenina de fórmula 1 es nuestro bastardo del mes. -
Las mejores discotecas de Madrid
19.03.24¿Preparado para pasar la mejor noche en Madrid? Discoteca y Bastardo Hostel. El mejor combo. -
With B of Bastardo
18.03.24Haven't you ever heard the question of "B" for good? "B" for "good, nice and cheap"? All these statements have their place in Bastardo Hostel. -
Los parques ocultos de Madrid
27.02.24Madrid oculta lugares naturales que son encantadores y que pocos conocen. Bastardo Hostel, desvela sus escondites para que os sintáis como en un cuento de hada y reconectéis con la naturaleza que habita en la ciudad. -
A Day in Bastardo
22.02.24Are you one of those who needs to know what to do at all times or do you prefer to let life surprise you? Whatever you are, there's a place for you in Bastardo and we'll tell you why. There's no room for boredom in Bastardo. Come in without knocking! We're waiting for you! -
The 8 most authentic chinese restaurants in Madrid
15.02.24We recommend the best Chinese restaurants in the capital.